"Tambour battant" proposes to work the memory of the digital oral chain by counting the number of drum beats.- Level 1: count and reproduce a collection * click on the drum to hear and count the beats * tap on the drum to reproduce the number of beats heard, then validate on the green arrow. * Serge button (help): display of the number of strokes in encrypted writing; audio playback on click.- Level 2: count and associate a collection with a ciphertext [/b] * click on the drum to hear and count the beats * choose the corresponding ciphertext (audio playback of the button clicked), then validate on the green arrow. * Serge button (help): display of the number of strokes in the form of notes.- Adjustable work interval: click the options button on the home screen.- To reset the scores, click 5 times on Serge the lama on the home page.This application is part of the mathematics programs of cycle 1 (France):- Make a collection whose cardinal is between 1 and 10.- Read written numbers up to 10.